Winning Proposal Workshop Series: Solicited v. Unsolicited Proposals
City of New Orleans Office of Economic Development holds regular webinars which bring community resources to entrepreneurs. This series on proposal writing will explore the distinct types of proposals by welcoming subject matter experts from local and state agencies to share insights from reading, and writing, hundreds of proposals. The events are free, with registration required at: https://bit.ly/3FAJkNb

Winning Proposal Workshop Series: Grant and Loan Proposals
City of New Orleans Office of Economic Development holds regular webinars which bring community resources to entrepreneurs. This series on proposal writing will explore the distinct types of proposals by welcoming subject matter experts from local and state agencies to share insights from reading, and writing, hundreds of proposals. The events are free, with registration required at: https://bit.ly/3FAJkNb

Winning Proposal Workshop Series: Business Proposals
City of New Orleans Office of Economic Development holds regular webinars which bring community resources to entrepreneurs. This series on proposal writing will explore the distinct types of proposals by welcoming subject matter experts from local and state agencies to share insights from reading, and writing, hundreds of proposals. The events are free, with registration required at: https://bit.ly/3FAJkNb
Mardi Gras
The annual celebration of Mardi Gras takes place in the days before Lent. specifically the Fat Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. See Urban Conservancy’s website and StayLocal’s social feed for tips on how to reduce waste and celebrate sustainably.