Shopkeeper Stories

StayLocal is taking the opportunity to introduce you to small business owners, and to learn the vision and personality of some New Orleans’ most dynamic shopkeepers. StayLocal and Uptown Messenger began interviewing business owners a few years ago, and more recently, StayLocal and WBOK teamed up hear from shopkeepers in their own voices.
Locally-owned businesses infuse our neighborhoods with their unique character, and are a big part of why we want to live, work, eat, and shop here. Their commitment to their business is unshakable, and many of their founder’s stories lend us insight into their determination and flexibility. We hope you visit often to hear and read these Shopkeeper Stories!
Featured Business Owner
Dr. Lishunda Franklin
crescent city pharmacy
Since 2013
How did you come to profession?
Learning as a high schooler that it was possible to study how drugs affect the body was interesting to me. I not only declared I would grow up to become a pharmacist, but inspired two of my best friends since 7th grade to do so, too —and we’re all still pharmacists.
What inspired you to be an independent business owner?
My dad inspired our family — almost all of us kids are entrepreneurs. I was trained at an independent pharmacy! Victor Castellon is my “second father. I worked at Castellon Pharmacy on Oak Street for eighteen years. Crescent City is the second pharmacy I founded since those years.
as a healthcare professional, what are some of your business’ challenges?
I’m located in an underserved community in Central City and my choice to do so is intentional. I conducted my own survey of the residents before I chose my location. The challenges faced here have been around before Covid-19. I’ve thanked God many times for helping me find my purposed in life: a partnership with Healthcare for the Homeless. I bringing services to the population through my work with Xavier University’s pharmacy school, and directly from my business.
Interview with Dr. Lishunda Franklin @ 28:52