As a Sustaining Member, you join an elite group of businesses within StayLocal’s business alliance. Through their support, StayLocal is able to expand programs, launch campaigns, and extend our reach to businesses and consumers. By becoming a Sustaining Member, you are making an investment in our region’s economic future and protecting the authentic character that makes New Orleans home.
All sustaining membership levels include StayLocal’s business membership benefits.
Reach out to us at info@staylocal.org or 504.252.1259 to learn more.
$500 /yr
Sponsorship of ONE StayLocal event or campaign.*
A mention in a StayLocal e-blast to our business mailing list of over 3k subscribers about your support.
Featured logo placement on StayLocal’s homepage with 1200 visits a month.
A post on all our social media platforms with over 13k followers recognizing your sustaining membership.
Recognition at StayLocal events during introductions and space to put out promotional materials.
$1000 /yr
Sponsorship of TWO StayLocal events or campaigns.*
Inclusion of your business’s logo on mailers to over 250 businesses.
The title feature in a StayLocal e-blast to our business mailing list of over 3k subscribers about your support.
Featured logo placement on StayLocal’s homepage with 1200 visits a month.
Two posts on all of our social media platforms with over 13k followers recognizing your sustaining membership.
Recognition at StayLocal events during introductions and space to put out promotional materials.
Local Legend
$2500 /yr
Option to design your own StayLocal event (i.e. networking night, workshop, seminar) PLUS sponsorship of TWO StayLocal events or campaigns.*
Inclusion of your business’s logo on mailers to over 250 businesses.
A dedicated e-blast to StayLocal's over 5,000 subscribers comprised of business owners, residents, and community partners who will be made aware of your support.
Featured logo placement on StayLocal’s homepage with 1200 visits a month.
Three posts on all of our social media platforms with over 13k followers recognizing your business.
Recognition at StayLocal events during introductions and space to put out promotional materials.
A StayLocal Local Investor T-shirt.
*Sponsorship includes recognition of your business's support in printed and digital materials, advertising, and at the event, including directly addressing attendees.