Making the Most of Holiday Marketing
You can reach more audiences when you collaborate with us! StayLocal is here to amplify the Shop Local message. Let us know about special events, promotions, and/or sales you're hosting and we'll help spread the word via our established audiences on our social media channels and by getting the attention of traditional media outlets, too.
Supporting local businesses isn’t just a feel-good gesture—it’s a powerful way consumers boost our community. When your business puts out an effective call to action that resonates with consumers, such as this Say No Thanks to Amazon Gifts campaign does, they are more likely to remember that yours is a local business, increasing your following and business loyalty.
Please take advantage of the no-cost marketing resources below or contact for more.
Read up on 2024 consumer trends, such as this report (based on AT&T survey) of how Gen Z shops.
Use data to understand New Orleans market, like this this City Business article on what households have budgeted to spend in 2024.
Read these 6 pro tips for local businesses from Forbes Magazine.
Join our mapped, online directory by clicking “add my business” and finding the free listing category here. Annual StayLocal members receive premium promotional marketing.
Repost + share these locally designed messages & banners.
Download the Small Business Saturday press toolkit.
Become a part of the Lagniappe List, your own loyalty discount you choose to extend to Lagniappe “coin” holder followers of Dirty Coast.
If you’d like printed, branded Small Business Saturday signs, please email us.